Auburn Veterans Memorial Monument
The Auburn Veterans Memorial Monument is located at the northeast corner of Ross Street and Glenn Avenue. Plans for the Memorial were first announced on May 31, 1999, at the Annual Mayor’s Memorial Day Breakfast. The breakfast was the first major effort by the City of Auburn to recognize the contributions of our military veterans.

The Memorial, dedicated on November 11, 2000, was designed to honor veterans from all branches of service. The obelisk, the central feature of the monument, honors all those who have served our country while the low wall honors those soldiers who have made the supreme sacrifice. In the rear of the brick circle surrounding the monument lies a memorial area that can be utilized by visitors to leave flowers or a wreath in honor or in memory of a veteran. Two American flags are flown over the Memorial most of the year. On special occasions, branch of service or POW/MIA flags are flown along with the American Flag. For more information on flag schedules, please contact Ben McGhee in the Economic Development Department.
The Auburn City Council authorized the use of City-owned property for the construction of the Memorial. Funding has been provided through donations and the sale of brick pavers.
Each year, the City of Auburn provides citizens with the opportunity to honor a member of the military by purchasing a memorial brick to be placed at the Veterans Memorial Monument, located on the corner of Ross Street and Glenn Avenue. Personalized bricks engraved with the veteran's name, rank, branch of service and years of service may be purchased for $100. Proceeds from bricks sales go to the Auburn Veterans Memorial Fund.

Brick orders are placed once a year. Orders must be received by June 30 each year in order for bricks to arrive and be installed in time for the Annual Veterans Day Ceremony in November.
To purchase a brick at the Auburn Veterans Memorial, please download a copy of the brick order form below or visit Auburn City Hall, located at 144 Tichenor Avenue.