

  1. Veterans
Office of the City Manager

City Hall

144 Tichenor Ave, Suite 1

David D. Dorton

David D. Dorton

Communications & Legislative Affairs Director

Each year, the Auburn Veterans Committee presents two awards at the Mayor's Memorial Day Breakfast. The Heroes Remembered award honors the family of a local distinguished veteran who has passed away. The Distinguished Veteran award is given to a veteran with close ties to the City of Auburn who has honorably served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Community members are invited to nominate individuals for either of these recognitions. Nominations for the 2025 Mayor's Memorial Day Breakfast will be due on Jan. 27, 2025, at 5 p.m. Nominations may be made using the forms below:

Heroes Remembered Nomination Form

Distinguished Veteran Nomination Form

PDF versions of the Heroes Remembered and Distinguished Veteran nomination forms are also available and may be returned to Andrea Mitchell at [email protected] or 1500 Pumphrey Ave., Auburn, AL 36832.

Heroes Remembered

The Auburn Heroes Remembered Award is presented to the family of a local distinguished veteran who has passed away.

Rank Recipient's Name Year Awarded
Colonel, USA Edward R. Schowalter, Jr 2012
General, USA Lewis A. Pick 2013
Colonel, USA Lewis A. Pick, Jr. 2013
Captain, USN Jonathan "Jay" Crowder 2014
Lieutenant Colonel, USAF Harold "Hal" Decker 2015
Colonel, USA Robert Platt Boyd, Jr. 2016
Lance Corporal, USMC William John Stelpflug 2017
Sergeant, USMC Frank M. deGraffenried 2018
Lieutenant Colonel, USMC George Thomas "Ted" Sargent, Jr. 2019
Corporal, USMC Grady Jones 2022
Captain, USAF Randal Hudon 2023
Major, USMC David Stafford Miller 2024

Distinguished Veterans

The Distinguished Veteran is an individual with close ties to the City of Auburn, Alabama who has served honorably in the Armed Forces of the United States and who has had an exceptionally distinguished military or civilian career, reflecting great credit on Auburn and the military services.

Rank Recipient's Name Year Awarded
General, USAF Jimmie V. Adams 2000
General, USMC James Livingston 2001
Colonel, USA James Voss 2002
Lieutenant General, USA Hal Moore 2003
Lieutenant Commander, USN Jim Foy 2004
General, USMC Carl Mundy, Jr. 2005
Lieutenant General, USA Ronald Burgess 2006
Lieutenant General, USAF Kelly Burke 2007
First Lieutenant, USA Doug Watson 2008
Major, USA Pete Turnham 2009
Corporal, USMC Jack Simms 2010
Colonel, USAF Henry Warren "Hank" Hartsfield 2011
Colonel, USA Andrew W. "Andy" LaMar, Jr. 2012
Petty Officer Second Class, USN Norm Caldwell 2013
Commander, USNR Tom Eden 2014
Captain, USN Kenneth "Husky" Kirkwood 2015
Command Sergeant Major, USA Bennie G. Adkins 2016
Staff Sergeant, USA Carey Milton Owen 2017
Lieutenant Colonel, USA Fred Lacy 2018
Sergeant, USA Malcolm "Buck" Marsh, Jr. 2019
Lieutenant Colonel, USA James E. Witte 2022
Captain, USN Richard "Dick" Phelan 2023
Sergeant, USMC Eugene Edward Stanaland 2024