Therapeutic Summer Camps
Dates for the 2025 camp are June 2 - July 24, 2025, Monday-Thursday each week, 8am-4pm. Please contact Elizabeth Kaufman at [email protected] with questions about TR Camp. No camp on June 19th (Thursday) or the week of June 30-July 4.
Camp registration is closed for 2024 season. Registration for 2025 camps will open in February/March 2025.
Sponsored by Auburn Parks and Recreation.
Camp Hours: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday. (Campers can be dropped off beginning at 7:45 a.m. Early drop-offs will NOT be allowed. A late fee of $1 per minute will be charged after the first warning has been issued.)
Location: Drake Middle School
Information about 2025 camp is below:
Fees*: $125.00, each additional sibling $100.00. Make checks payable to the City of Auburn.
Note: Registration is only open to City of Auburn residents the first two weeks.
*Fees include the following: Healthy snacks, most camp supplies and some field trips. Extra costs might include field trips or special activities.
TR Mini Camp follows the same guidelines and requirements as Therapeutic Summer Day Camp. Dates for the 2025 camp are June 2 - July 24, 2025, Monday-Thursday each week, 8am-2pm. Please contact Elizabeth Kaufman at [email protected] with questions about TR Mini Camp. No camp on June 19th (Thursday) or the week of June 30-July 4.
Camp Summary (for both camps):
This is a seven week summer day camp designed for young adults with various disabilities (e.g., autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, intellectual disabilities, hearing impairments, vision impairments). The Summer Camp is a joint project created and sponsored by Auburn Parks and Recreation and the Exceptional Outreach Organization. The Therapeutic Summer Camp's curriculum program includes life skills training, instructional training, team work, social skills, creative opportunities, swimming, and other physical recreation activities (e.g., basketball, bowling, volleyball, soccer).
Camp Requirements:
Campers must be high functioning, mentally disabled citizens who are 15 years and older (TR Camp) and ages 8-14 (Mini Camp). Campers must be toilet trained. Campers must dress appropriately - wear closed toe shoes even if not participating in some activities. Pool shoes and/or flip flops are only for swimming. All campers will be expected to have a positive attitude and be positive about themselves and others. Campers will be evaluated on an individual basis.
Parent Guidelines:
- Respond to a call or text from TR Staff within 10 minutes.
- Pick up within 30 minutes if participant becomes ill or is having behaviors.
- Must provide an emergency contact who can follow these guidelines if you are out of town.
- Always walk participants into the building and find a staff person before leaving if not dropping off during main drop-off. Sometimes we have updates or questions for you. Please ensure you are dropping off your loved one with a staff person and checking in before leaving.
- Camp ends at 4pm. (12pm for Mini Camp). Pick up is no later than 4:05pm. (12:05pm for Mini Camp). If you are late picking your participant up there will be a $1 per minute fee, payable to City of Auburn.
- We cannot give medications! If your participant will need medication during a program they must be able to administer this independently, or you can come and administer it to them.
Participant Guidelines:
- Must require minimal restroom assistance and have little to no accidents.
- Participants must not be a danger to self or others - no hitting or harm of any type will be allowed at programs.
- Participants must be able to stay with the group and not elope.
- Participants must not put non-edible items in their mouths.
- Participants must be able to follow directions and be respectful of staff leadership/rules.
- If your participant requires a 1:1 assistant you must register at least 1 week in advance to allow time for adequate staffing.
- Please remind staff at drop off EVERY PROGRAM if your participant has allergies or medical conditions!
Application Information & Deadline:
Camp applications for 2025 will open in February/March 2025. All applications and registration fees must be turned in to the Harris Center. If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Kaufman, Therapeutic Programs Coordinator, at (334) 501-2939 or [email protected].
Camp Counselor Position Information:
If you are interested in becoming a full or part-time Summer Camp Counselor for the 2025 Summer Therapeutic Camp, please watch the City website for "TR Camp Counselor". This job is usually posted in late January, early February of each year.
Counselors are expected to supervise campers and participate in daily camp activities. Duties include preparing snacks, supervising all campers, interacting with campers during all activities, planning activities, such as arts and crafts and sports games, etc... All camp counselors must be punctual and reliable. Full-time counselors are preferred (40 hours a week), but part-time counselors (20 hours a week) will also be hired. Prior child care, camp counselor, or special education experience is a plus. Persons with or working toward a degree in Education, Rehabilitation and Special Education, Kinesiology or a related field are encouraged to apply. Persons with CPR, First Aid and/or Lifeguard Certification are also encouraged to apply.
Compensation: $10.61/hr.
To Apply: Applicants should apply through the City of Auburn's website. Applicants should apply for the position of "Recreation Leader-Camp Counselor for Summer Therapeutic Camp". Once you have completed your online application via the City's website, please send an e-mail to Elizabeth Kaufman stating your interest and that you have completed your online application.