Marker & Lot Information
Cemetery Markers & Specifications
Cemetery markers are available for purchase through the City of Auburn. While outside markers are allowed, they must meet the City's specifications. Before you purchase a marker from an outside vendor, please contact Parks and Recreation to have the marker approved.
Cemetery Lot Purchase Guidelines
To purchase a cemetery lot, please contact the Cemetery Property Manager Robert Heath at 334-501-2937 or [email protected]. View each cemetery's page for additional information on lot pricing. The City of Auburn requires a minimum of 24 hours notice before a burial.
Please note that:
- All lots will be sold subject to Perpetual Care, and all work will be done under the director of the cemetery superintendent.
- All grading, landscaping, tree planting and other improvements will be done under the direction of the City of Auburn.
- No enclosure of any kind, such as a fence, coping, hedge or ditch is allowed around any lot or grave unless approved by the Cemetery Advisory Board.
- Settees, urns, boxes, shells, toys and other similar items may not be placed or maintained on any lot or grave.
Other Pricing
Grave Site Opening and Closing
- Standard burial, weekday: $275
- Standard burial, weekend: $325
- Standard burial, holiday: $375
- Cremations, weekday: $100
- Cremations, weekend: $150
- Cremations, holiday: $200
Marker and Vase Installations or Removals
- Concrete border marker: $100
- Granite border marker: $150
- Granite border vase: $50
- Bench: $60