
Recycling FAQs

  1. Environmental Services
  2. Garbage and Recycling
Environmental Services

Environmental Services Building

4277 Wire Rd, Suite 100


Quentin Byrd

Recycling & Conservation Div Mgr

Q: Are political campaign signs recyclable?
A: You must break them down to separate the materials because not all are recyclable...

  • Metal Stands - The metal stand is made of steel wire. These cannot be recycled curbside, but they can be brought to the Drop Off Center for recycling with the scrap metal.
  • Paper Signs - Most paper signs cannot be accepted with the recycling and must go in the garbage. They usually have a thin plastic lining that gives them strength to hold up to the rain and wind. If your sign is only paper or cardboard, it can be recycled.
  • Hard Plastic Signs or Flexible Plastic Signs - Hard plastic signs usually are made of corrugated plastic or plastic bag material. These cannot be recycled with the City's current program and must go in the regular garbage. The City's program only accepts plastic containers in its recycling program.
  • If Possible, Reuse Your Signs! - Consider saving your lawn signs for future use. You could attach a new message to them, use in school projects or use it to promote a special event or use again in future campaigns. At the very least, save the wire stands to use for the next time you need to post signs or donate them to an organization that will use them.

Q: Who is eligible to participate in the City's curbside recycling program?
A: Currently, only City residential solid waste customers (those that receive garbage services provided by the City) are eligible to receive curbside recycling services.

Q: How do I sign up to receive a single-stream recycling cart?
A: Please fill out our Recycle Request Form or call our office at (334) 501-3080 to request a recycling cart.

Q: When is curbside recycling collected in my area and at what time should I place it out for collection?
A: Your recycling is collected on the same day as your garbage and should be placed out the night before collection or no later than 6 a.m. on your scheduled collection day. Scroll to the bottom of this page and input your address to view your collection schedule or go to our interactive map Auburn GIS Maps and click on the General Interactive or Public Service map to view the routing schedule or contact our office at 334-501-3080 to ascertain your scheduled collection day.

Q: What types of recyclables are collected at curbside?
A: We collect:

  • Plastics #1 - #7 (no plastic bags or plastic straws; items should be rinsed and clean)
  • Aluminum cans (items should be rinsed and clean)
  • Steel/tin cans (items should be rinsed and clean)
  • Newspaper
  • Cardboard (flatten)
  • Magazines
  • Mixed office paper, junk mail, etc.
  • NO glass is accepted (glass may be recycled at the Recycling Drop-Off Center at 365-A N. Donahue Drive.

If you're curious about a specific item, use the What Goes Where? tool at the top of this page to find out how to properly dispose of it.

Q: Are there any special instructions for placing recyclables out for collection?
A: Recyclables should be placed in your blue recycling cart and placed a few feet away from the trash and garbage and within three (3) feet from the roadway. The City currently utilizes a single stream collection service. Here are some tips to help make collection easier:

  • Aluminum cans - crushing helps, but is not necessary; items should be rinsed and clean
  • Cardboard - should be flattened/broken down
  • Newspaper - no soiled or wet newspaper
  • Steel cans - should be rinsed and clean
  • Plastics - #1-7 - no plastic bags or plastic straws; items should be rinsed and clean

Q: Is there a drop-off site for those of us who are not eligible for the curbside recycling collection service?
A: Yes. The Recycling Drop-Off Center is temporarily located at 640 Mary Brooks Drive and is open 24 hours a day year-round. All recyclables collected as a part of the curbside program may be recycled at the drop-off center, in addition to the following items:

  • Batteries - transistor only up to size D - no automobile, marine batteries, etc.
  • Cellular phones
  • Cooking grease/oil - pick up an empty container at the center and return it when full
  • Glass - separate by color and all items should be clean
  • Magazines/telephone books
  • Mixed office paper
  • Plastics #1-#7 no plastic bags or plastics straws; items should be rinsed and clean

Q: Can I recycle computers, or other electronics?
A: Yes. Computer equipment and electronics that are not televisions or monitors may be recycled, but an appointment must be made as these items require special handling. Please contact Environmental Services at 501-3080 for an appointment to drop off your computer equipment. If you have televisions or computers monitors that you need to dispose of, place those items at curbside for collection along with your other trash

The following items will be accepted:

  • Adapters
  • Charging Chords
  • Cell phones
  • Computers Tower/Laptops with Computer/Laptops Parts and components
  • Docking station
  • Film/digital cameras
  • Gaming Systems
  • Keyboards/Mice
  • Shredders
  • Software
  • Telephones
  • Two-way Communication Equipment
  • UPS Battery Backups
  • Wi-Fi Equipment
  • Wire/Cables

Q: Where are the recyclables disposed of?
A: General recycling materials are transported to Waste Recycling, Inc. which is located in Opelika, AL or Pratt Recycling, Inc. located in Columbus, GA. Electronics are submitted to permitted processors within the southeastern United States.