
Business Account Activation

  1. Finance
  2. Utility Billing
  3. Forms

Bailey-Alexander Complex

1501 W Samford Ave

Customer Service Rep.

Below is the information necessary to begin water and sewer service as well as garbage collection service in the City of Auburn. Please complete all the information below clearly and precisely to ensure prompt and accurate billing for establishment of services.

Account Info

Address is serviced by the Auburn Water Works Board. Sewer and garbage service is provided by the City of Auburn. However, water service is currently provided by another utility company. Garbage service is provided by the City of Auburn. However, water and sewer service is currently provided by another utility company. Address is found to be serviced by a utility company other than the City of Auburn: Address is in a non-exclusive service area. Please contact us via phone or in person to ensure the best support. Address could not be found.

Customer Info

Contact Preferences

Paper Bill

Required Documents