
Renew Opelika Road - Phase 4

  1. Engineering Services
  2. Construction Status
Public Works

Development Services Building

171 N Ross St

Alison Frazier, P.E., CFM

Alison Frazier, P.E., CFM

Engineering Services Director / City Engineer

Project Description

The project consists of the widening of Opelika Road from Gentry Drive to Saugahatchee Road to create a new grassed median, bicycle lanes, left-turn lanes, sidewalk, pedestrian lighting, and roadway lighting. The project is part of the City of Auburn's CompPlan 2030, and Renew Opelika Road Plan.

Additional Information

Construction began in January 2021 and was expected to finish in October 2021. Due to delays, the project is now anticipated to be completed by summer 2022. JLD Enterprises, Inc. is the contractor for this project.