Space for Startups
City of Auburn Incubator System
In the City of Auburn's incubator system, startups enjoy short term leases, subsidized lease rates, shared amenities, an entrepreneurial community and access to expertise and resources. Office and manufacturing spaces are available. Grow your tech or manufacturing business for 3 to 5 years in a supportive environment at Auburn Center for Developing Industries or The Yard.
Auburn Center for Developing Industries
Auburn Center for Developing Industries (ACDI) is designed for young, developing companies who will benefit from a startup environment, individual offices, and business support.
ACDI accommodates multiple companies, features startup-affordable leases and shared resources including utilities, internet, printing, and use of the conference room.
Additionally, there are four bays with large roll-up doors to serve as manufacturing-style lab spaces. Inquire about space.
1500 Pumphrey Ave, Auburn, AL 36832

“Being at ACDI has been pivotal for our business. It has allowed our startup the opportunity to grow. Plus, as an incubator, it is fun to be around the energy of the other startups and entrepreneurs.”
Haitham Eletrabi, PhD | Tennibot | Founder & CEO
The Yard

The Yard is the newest incubator space offered by the City. This facility includes five offices and two production bays (1,850 sq ft and 2,218 sq ft). The Yard has shared amenities like WiFi, conference room, break room and kitchen.
Offices are fully furnished with desks, mobile file drawers and rolling chairs.
Production bays feature large overhead doors at grade for delivery access. Inquire about space.
Interesting fact: The unique structure is built completely out of shipping containers and was designed by Auburn University College of Architecture, Design & Construction students in a design-build competition.
2175 Pumphrey Ave, Auburn, AL 36832
Auburn Research Park

The Park is an entrepreneurial ecosystem combining a business and research environment that fosters creativity and innovation, embraces collaboration, and promotes a partnership.
The Auburn Research Park plays a significant role in leveraging Auburn University’s intellectual property assets to technology-based economic development by facilitating technology transfer, developing industry partnerships, forming and nurturing new business ventures, and attracting knowledge-based companies to the park.
New Venture Accelerator

The New Venture Accelerator — roughly 7,000 square feet of office space within The Park’s new Research and Innovation Center and home to a team of resident experts — will guide startups on how to create business models, identify pricing strategies, and pitch to investors.
This new space, where business plans will be crafted and dreams will be realized, is jointly managed by the Harbert College of Business and Auburn Research and Technology Foundation.
Do you need a mailing address, but not necessarily space?
A virtual tenant program is also available for companies who do not need office space, but would benefit from having a mailing address and access to shared amenities, including a conference room. Inquire now.
Do you need space?
Contact Andrea Mitchell to direct you to a space best suited for your business.