

  1. Auburn Municipal Court

Auburn Municipal Court

141 N Ross St

Jeffery Hatchett

Jeffery Hatchett

Assistant Admin/ Court Clerk

Please Note: The Auburn Municipal Court no longer accepts credit card payments. If you must pay by credit card, you can use our payment vendor, FivePoint Payments. The payment vendor will pay your traffic citation/payment plan or parking ticket via credit card. Please be aware that FivePoint charges a credit card processing fee of either $3 or 3.5%, whichever is higher.  In addition, the Auburn Municipal Court has installed a payment kiosk in the Court lobby to accept payments during normal business hours.

If you have any questions or concerns about your parking ticket and/or court fees (traffic, misdemeanor, payment plans and/or violations) you may either visit our Municipal Court office located at 141 N. Ross Street, or you may also contact a Magistrate at (334) 501-3180 or [email protected].