
Ann Pearson Park

  1. Capital Improvement Projects
Engineering Services

Development Services Building

171 N Ross St

Brandy Ezelle, P.E.

Brandy Ezelle, P.E.


Project Overview

​This will be a passive park in north Auburn located on Shelton Mill Road between East University Drive and US 280. The project will include trails, a pavilion and restrooms, a play area and parking.

Please note that project completion dates are subject to change based on weather and other conditions. Project anticipated finish dates may not coincide with actual day of opening.

Opening: An official facility opening date for the public will be coordinated by the contractor and City staff, and will be announced at a later date.


  1. Design
  2. Bid Advertisement
  3. Contracts
  4. Construction

The contractor continues to work on installing utilities for the site and the widening of Shelton Mill Road for turn lanes to the park.​
